Celebrating Motherhood: Lifestyle Photo Shoot for Moth Handbags

— Our aim was to capture the essence of motherhood while showcasing Moth Handbags' product line. Shot in Atic Nou Studios with natural lighting, we focused on the natural bond between mother and child, aiming to convey comfort and intimacy.

Using gentle, diffused lighting, we created a serene atmosphere in the studio. Throughout the shoot, genuine moments of affection and joy were captured authentically.

As a result we got a series of genuine lifestyle photographs that highlight Moth Handbags' products and the timeless bond between mother and child. From practicality to chic elegance, each bag reflects the enduring love shared in everyday moments of motherhood.

— Nuestro objetivo era captar la esencia de la maternidad y mostrar al mismo tiempo la línea de productos de Moth Handbags. Elejimos el Atic Nou Studios y con el uso de luz natural, nos centramos en el vínculo natural entre madre e hijo, con el objetivo de transmitir comodidad e intimidad.

Utilizando una iluminación suave y difusa, creamos una atmósfera serena en el estudio. A lo largo de la sesión, se captaron auténticos momentos de afecto y alegría.

Como resultado, obtuvimos una serie de fotografías auténticas de lifestyle que ponen de relieve los productos de Moth Handbags y el vínculo atemporal entre madre e hijo. Desde la practicidad a la elegancia chic, cada bolso refleja el amor perdurable que se comparte en los momentos cotidianos de la maternidad.

Big Bag

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Pocket Bag

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Mini Bag

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Photography & Art Direction

(+34) 686 786 325


Photography & Creative Direction

(+34) 686 786 325

© Rodrigo Chaparreiro 2024 All rights reserved.

© Rodrigo Chaparreiro 2023 All rights reserved.